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Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Skymark Airlines Inc. (hereafter referred to as “Skymark", “we” or “our”) recognizes the importance of properly handling the customers’ personal information and has established a Privacy Policy. All our employees shall comply with this policy to protect personal information, individual rights, and interests in order to provide “safe, secure, comfortable, and friendly” air travel experience to our customers. For information regarding handling of information on the website of Skymark, please check the " Website Privacy Policy ".

Acquisition of Personal Information

Skymark shall acquire the customers’ personal information by lawful and fair means.

Use of Personal Information

Skymark shall only process the customers’ personal information within the scope of specific purpose the customer has given consent. In order not to use personal information for any unspecified purpose, Skymark will establish and implement procedures for taking necessary measures.

Purpose of Using Personal Information

The customers’ personal information shall be collected and used in the following cases.

  • 1.Booking and sale of airline tickets, and provision of air transportation services on flights operated by Skymark
  • 2. Booking and sale of airline tickets, and provision of air transportation services on interline transportation and codeshare flights
  • 3.Introducing and providing our services and products
  • 4.Researching and analyzing the usage of our services and products
  • 5.Conducting our surveys, etc.
  • 6.Developing our new services and products
  • 7.Introducing, operating, and managing various events and campaigns, and providing various information
  • 8.Contacting with regards to our services and products
  • 9. Introducing, operating, and managing services and products, various events, campaigns, and providing various information of our partner companies, etc.
  • 10.Responding to inquiries and requests, etc.

Contents of Personal Information

The main contents of personal information Skymark acquire from customers are the following.

  • 1.Information such as name, age, gender, address, telephone number, fax number, and email address
  • 2.Physical and medical information related to boarding
  • 3.Dietary information related to meal service
  • 4. Information related to necessary assistance for boarding, disembarking, and other inflight services
  • 5.Credit card information (including type, number, card holder name, date of birth, expiration date, and workplace)

Providing Personal Information to Third Parties

Skymark will not provide customers’ personal information to any third parties except in the following cases.

  • 1.Customer consent has been obtained.
  • 2.When providing information to financial institutions (e.g., credit card companies, etc.) is necessary in order to investigate the cause and prevent further damage to the customer when fraudulent use occurs or is suspected in the purchase of airline tickets or services with a credit card, etc.
  • 3.When providing information due to a company merger, split, transfer of business, or other reasons in conjunction with business succession.
  • 4.Other cases permitted by law.

Consignment of Personal Information

When consigning portions of our business, Skymark may provide personal information to contracted companies to the extent necessary. Strict adherence to confidentiality agreements with these contractors shall be observed, and contractors shall be properly supervised.

Compliance with Laws and Regulations

Skymark complies with laws and regulations, national guidelines, and other norms regarding the handling of personal information.

Security Management of Personal Information

Upon handling the customers' personal information and after understanding the external environment, Skymark will take necessary security management measures from an organizational, human, physical, and technical perspective to prevent unauthorized access, leakage, loss, tampering, etc. In addition to conducting in-house education to protect and handle the customers’ personal information properly, Skymark sets an appropriate retention period according to the purpose of use and disposes of it in an appropriate manner.

Response to Complaints and Consultations

Skymark provides an appropriate and prompt response to complaints and consultations received.

Personal Information Protection Management Systems

Skymark has established personal information protection management systems and regularly reviews and continuously improves the systems.

Requests for Disclosure of Personal Information

  • 1.When Skymark receives requests from the actual individual for notification of the usage purpose or for disclosure, correction, addition, deletion, suspension of use, erasure or suspension, or disclosure of records of provision to third parties (hereafter referred to as "Disclosure, etc.") of one’s personal information, Skymark shall conduct an in-house survey and respond without delay.
    • *Disclosure, etc., may not be possible depending on the content of the request. In such cases, a reason shall also be provided.
  • 2.When making a request for Disclosure, etc., please make a request by postal mail according to the procedure below. We may not be able to accept a request if it does not contain sufficient information. In addition, an administrative fee of 1,000 yen shall be required per request via postal money for notification or disclosure of the purpose of using personal information.
  • 3.The personal information provided in the “Request Form for Personal Information Disclosure, etc.” shall be used to respond to inquiries, and shall not be used for any other purpose.
When requested by the actual individual

When requesting Disclosure, etc., please prepare the following documents and send them via Registered mail.

  • 1.Request Form for Personal Information Disclosure, etc. (Japanese text only)
    Download the above file and enter the required information.
  • 2.Identity verification documents
    A copy of any official document that may confirm the name and current address of the actual individual such as a driver's license, passport, health insurance certificate (Please black out the insurer’s number, the symbols and numbers of the insured individual), Individual Number Card (front side only).
When requested by a proxy

If the person requesting the Disclosure, etc., is a legal representative or a proxy authorized by the actual individual, please enclose the following documents in addition to the documents in the preceding paragraph.

[For a legal representative]
  • 1.Documentation proving legal representation authority
    A copy of your family register or, for a parent or guardian, a copy of your health insurance certificate including dependents (Please black out the insurer’s number, the symbols and numbers of the insured individual).
  • 2.Documentation confirming the identity of the legal representative
    A copy of any official document that may confirm the name and current address of the legal representative such as a driver's license, passport, health insurance certificate (Please black out the insurer’s number, the symbols and numbers of the insured individual), or Individual Number Card (front side only).
[For a proxy]
  • 1.Power of Attorney (Request Form for Personal Information Disclosure, etc., Additional Documentation) (Japanese text only)
    Download the above file and enter the required information.
  • 2.Actual individual’s seal registration certificate (issued within 3 months)
  • 3.Documentation confirming the identity of the proxy
    A copy of any official document that may confirm the name and current address of the proxy such as a driver's license, passport, health insurance card (Please black out the insurer’s number, the symbols and numbers of the insured individual), or Individual Number Card (front side only).

Contact for Inquiries

For further details of the Privacy Policy, complaints, consultations, and requests for Disclosure, etc., please contact the following address:

8th Floor Utility Center Bldg.
3-5-10 Haneda Airport, Ota-ku, Tokyo, 144-0041
Skymark Airlines Inc., Personal Information Consultation Window
TEL: 03-5708-8280 (Reception Hours: Weekdays 10:00 am to 5:00 pm)

PrivacyMark Entity

Enactment Date: 4 March 2020
Last updated: 26 June 2024
Skymark Airlines Inc.
3-5-10 Haneda Airport, Ota-ku, Tokyo, 144-0041
Representative Director Manabu Motohashi
Chief Privacy Officer, Executive Officer of General Affairs