Message from the President
Message from
the Representative Director, President and Executive Officer

On 19 September 1998, Skymark Airlines became the first newly-born airline in 35 years to begin offering service in Japan with the launch of the Haneda-Fukuoka route. We currently (as of June 2024) approximately operate 150 flights per day on 23 routes and 12 cities across the nation. Also, on 14 December 2022, our shares were re-listed on the Growth Market of the Tokyo Stock Exchange, 7 years after being delisted from the Tokyo Stock Exchange as a result of bankruptcy. However, our history could not be described as a smooth journey, having faced a series of difficulties including changes in management structure, civil rehabilitation, and the COVID-19 period.
I believe that Skymark Airlines, having such a history, has a solid core; “to make air travel more accessible to everyone.” This core is also apparent in our business model, which is “providing high operational quality and simple, yet thoughtful service at affordable fares, with safety as the bedrock.”
Operating the aircraft commercially is only possible through the cooperation of a wide range of specialized professionals, including flight crews, flight attendants, mechanics, aircraft dispatchers, ramp agents, and ground staff, as well as departments such as IT, marketing, and the head office. As a result of steadily implementing our way of business, we have maintained the top position in the on-time performance rate (the proportion of flights flown within 15 minutes from the scheduled departure time to the total scheduled flights) in the “Information disclosure regarding aerospace transportation service” published by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT) for six consecutive years from FY2017 to FY2022. We also ranked top in “customer satisfaction” in the domestic long-haul transportation sector of the JCSI (Japanese Customer Satisfaction Index) survey, published by the public interest incorporated foundation, Japan Productivity Center, SPRING: Service Productivity & Innovation for Growth, in FY2020, FY2022, and FY2023, showing that we are achieving positive results in our efforts to improve operation quality.
As we have entered an era in which companies that contribute to the sustainable development of society (sustainability) gain recognition from society, Target 11.2 of the Sustainable Development Goals (known as the SDGs); “Provide all people with access to safe, affordable, easily accessible and sustainable transport systems by improving transport safety, including through the expansion of public transportation, with particular attention to the needs of vulnerable populations, women, children, persons with disabilities, and the elderly,” is in line with our core and what we are all about. We will expand our network both domestically and internationally, working to make air travel accessible to everyone. We will also endeavor to accomplish our founding dream, “to one day become a full-grown swan that spreads its wings wide and flies high across the skies of the world.” We look forward to your continued support.
26 June 2024
Representative Director, President and Executive Officer
Manabu Motohashi