Airport access and counter
Airports we serve.
Our airport counter
Miyako Shimojishima airport
Check-in Counter
Passenger Terminal

Airport Information
Skymark counter business hours
11:15 am - The Departure Time of Final Flight( -29Mar)
10:15 am - The Departure Time of Final Flight(30Mar- )
*Business Hours:6:00am - 10:00pm
Transportation from airport to common destination
From Miyako(Shimojishima) airport

Bus(Miyako shimojishima airport Resort-line)
To Public Market |
30minutes |
600yen |
To Miyako Airport |
45minutes |
700yen |

Bus(Miyako shimojishima airport-liner)
To Public Market |
30minutes |
600yen |
To Miyako Airport |
45minutes |
800yen |
*Estimated travel time may vary according to the traffic conditions. The information provided should only be used as a guide.
*Bus timetables changed according to flight schedules. Please contact the appropriate number for more details.